What is Swept Path Analysis?

Swept Path Analysis is a digital vehicle manoeuvring process to check the proposed or existing road layout and examine its complexity whether or not the layout can accommodate the most onerous vehicles. It is important for the design consultant to check the swept path for at least a fire engine, an ambulance and a multi-axle artic vehicle in the absence of any specific preference from the client or local authority.

How to Do Swept Path Analysis?

Swept Path Analysis can be carried out in multiple ways and almost all software provides facilities like Auto driving mode, manual driving mode, driving following a specified line (or polyline), etc. All these methods are designed to run various conditions and situations such as design speed of the vehicle, a minimum number of tun (3-point turn or 4-point turn) acceptable for U-Turn, minimum clearance from road edge or road kerb line, etc.

If the road layout has a series of sharp bends and or the road has narrow lanes, it is recommended to perform manual driving mode and run the vehicle at low speed at corners. If the road is a standard motorway and the length is significant enough, then performing an auto-driving mode or driving the vehicle following a specified path (made by a polyline) would be recommended.

When to Perform Swept Path Analysis?

Swept Path Analysis should be carried in the road or junction design project when the road layouts are recommended to change as a result of the improvement scheme or when a completely new greenfield road project is designed or proposed. When carrying out swept path analysis, it is recommended to tick box following key points to satisfy the analysis:

  • Most onerous vehicles (specified by the client) must pass the analysis.
  • Fire Engine and Ambulance swept path must be carried out and pass the analysis.
  • A minimum horizontal clearance of 0.5m (or agreed value with the client) from the road edge or road kerb must be maintained. The same is applicable in between the lanes.
  • If the road is a dual carriageway, can it accommodate two large vehicles (multi-axle artic) in two lanes?
  • Can the junction accommodate all the vehicular movements in all directions?
  • Can the road layout accommodate a minimum of three-point U-turn?

Where to Perform Swept Path Analysis?

Swept Path must be carried for all types of road projects regardless of the size of the scheme. Here are some the road scheme examples for references:

  • Major Highways Project
  • Urban Street and Junction
  • Residential Streets
  • High Streets
  • School Zone and Hospital Zone
  • Industrial Area

What is the Software Available for Swept Path Analysis?

There are various software tools available to carry out swept path analysis. It is recommended to get an agreement with the client if they have any preference for particular software to run the analysis.

Swept Path Analysis by Autodesk:

Autodesk provides an add-on facility for swept pat analysis and it is one of the most renowned and widely accepted tools to carry out swept path analysis. It comes to a variety of options to select vehicle types with several vehicular movement parameters.

Swept Path Analysis by Keysoft Solution-AutoTurn:

Keysoft Solution provides “Auto-Turn”, another very sophisticated tool to carry out a swept analysis. It provides a classy control system to run, play, reverse, pause and record the analysis. It comes with a big library of vehicles to choose from, to run the swept path. So, an overall very good tool to run the analysis.

Swept Path Analysis by Transoft Solution -AutoTurn:

Transoft Solution provides “Auto-Turn” software to run the swept path and it has similar features like simulation, run, play, pause, etc along with a library of vehicles, etc.

Swept Path Analysis by CGS Labs -AutoPath:

Auto path developed by CGS Labs is UI based software to run swept path analysis. It comes with a custom vehicle option and other choices to make it easy for the user to operate it. The technical support of CGS Labs make the product even more attractive and value for money product.

What Vehicles to be used Swept Path Analysis?

Generally, all swept path analysis software comes with a library of tons of choices of the vehicle based on the country-specific requirement, vehicle sizes, number of axles, etc. but the standard practice is to get the agreement with the client to run the analysis for specifics vehicles to meet the local requirement.

It is recommended to run the swept path for Fire Engine, Ambulance, Refuge vehicle and one most onerous HGV vehicle (16.5m long multi-axle artic) to meet the client’s requirement. I hope the blog provides you with adequate information about swept path analysis and its associated features. Please feel free to like, share and comment.

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